Trust the Overspray experts with over 35 years of experience.
ACT Overspray provides professional overspray removal services nationwide.
Our distinctive hands-on process delicately eliminates overspray, preserving the integrity of the paint surface and clear coat. Utilizing our proprietary range of cleaning products and professional methods guarantees unparalleled results and quality.
We employ various overspray removal techniques to address a wide range of vehicle finishes and types of contamination. Coupled with our exceptional efficiency, our end results truly shine in any setting.

Why choose us?
The proprietary techniques and cleaning products employed by ACT ensure clear and unrivaled results.
Executive Team
Our mission is a dedication to delivering top-quality services within the paint overspray removal industry. The Auto Claim Technology (ACT) team exemplifies a genuine commitment to excellence, ongoing learning, and prompt responsiveness to our customers’ requirements.

